Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fake Product Demos

Yes, the products are great. No doubts about that, but they are not the only best products that is available on Earth. It is now funny to think that, in the past, I have completely believed in these demos and have done them so many times myself.

Let me share with you a few tricks that are commonly used to convince people the superiority of Amway products.

1)Scrub buds: Panty hose demo
The demo basically is to rub the scrub buds over the panty hose and show that it does not tear a delicate material like panty hose, so it wont cause scatches on vessels. Bring a stainless steel vessel or any other vessel to your almighty upline and ask them to clean that and you can see the big scratch marks left by scrub buds. So this demo is great but only works on panty hose and not where it is supposed to work – on your vessels.

2)Dish drops demo:
The demo is to take 2 spoons with little oil in it and pour diluted dish drops into one spoon and undiluted any other dish washing liquid (x brand) into another spoon. When the oil in the spoon is mixed with diluted dish drops, the oil will come out. In the other spoon once you mix the oil and X- brand dish washing liquid it will form a white paste which is difficult to dissolve. Dish drops is a great product and probably I will use it for the rest of my life, but let me share a little secret:

a) Try the same demo with undiluted dish drops-you will see a white paste with undiluted dish drops as well.

b) Try the same demo by diluting the X-brand product- you won't see the white paste

3)Best joke of all demos:
Dissolution test of Nutrilite vitamins:

One of the main selling points of the expensive Nutrilite Double X is that it is unlike other vitamins and it dissolves in 20 mins and therefore readily absorbed by the body. To proove this, you will be shown a demo with the Golden yellow color Double X tablet (Nutrilite multi vitamin) vs Centrum. The golden yellow double X will dissolve within 20 mins, whereas centrum will remain like a chalk powder.

Do the same demo with other (silver, and bronze colored Nutrilite double X tablets or Nutrilite daily multivitamin or for that matter other Nutrilite vitamins- they will not dissolve- of course ur upline will not show this to u for obvious reasons). Ask why others don’t dissolve in 20 mins- they will change the topic;-)

4)Anti-oxidant power of Vita min C, Immunity twist tubes, Nutrilite Double X and Nutrilite Daily multi-vitamin:

Demo: When iodine solution is added to water or rice and then a powder of Double X vitamin/ or Nutrilite Daily Multi-vitamin or the Immunity twist tube is added, you will see that the color of iodine disappearing- meaning the anti-oxidant is working against the free radical iodine. Try the same demo with powerful antioxidant containing product NUTRILITE ROC20 (RED orange complex)- and this demo will not work. Of course ur upline will not have an answer for this well.

5)Last but not least, Perfect Water Demo:

This is a hilarious demo and if you just type on youtube- perfect water demo, you can watch so many diamonds and above performing this demo. I dont know if perfect water does, what they all these diamonds claim it can do, but we did try the demo, by of course purchasing a very overpriced case of supposedly "Perfect Water"- The demo did not work, when we did at home. When we asked our upline he said, "Keep trying...lot of people are getting phenomenal results with this demo." "Keep trying" in Amway is nothing but BS.

If you know of more fake demos, please leave your comments about them.


  1. And then this guy procedes to do a demo where he actually gets a life... oh wow and it does not work because he spends way too much time focusing on the negative and not the positive... huh

  2. oh great but use your energy in positive things

  3. Hey EAGLE, great way to justify your failure in the business!! LOSER!!!

  4. Thank God, I dont have to call anybody a "Loser" anymore. It is worth being inactive atleast for this.

  5. You might be a Ex Eagle but NOW you are actually a CHICKEN..

  6. It seems people who answered here did out of contempt and anger instead of answering the key questions raised. Why don't you guys (winners ??) answer the main points discussed here instead of bluffing the same old Amway/bww terms or attitude of putting people down. Hope you winners are reading PMA books.

  7. Actually I tried the demos and the key is that dish drops even diluted work better than the pine sol. Also the reason the other tablets dont dissolve as fast means that metabolites take time to absorb the nutrients from the product. HCL and pepsin in the stomach break down the vitamins in separate ways. HCL easily breaks through centrum causing less than 20% retention of the vitamin whereas doublex takes more time to completely absorb. This time that is taken allows for a nearly 60-70% absorption rate. Funny thing is I dont pay attention to demos just people who take the vitamins like glucosamine and doublex...both have worked well with clients and though they may not like the price they keep ordering because their energy levels and joints feel better. Now your demo discussion fails with scrub bud because it works well at being lost lasting and that is why I have clients who continue to buy, sos does scratch the surface of pots over time wearing them down.

    1. thanks for explaining!!!!

    2. I suppose when he says perfect water demo it is the espring water demo. I tried it with coca cola and out comes clean clear water, I think it is the best water treatment system with UV light to kill the germs and bacteria. Ex eagle did not explain what kind of demo he did. Is he saying that NSF and WQA are stupid to certify this unit.

    3. There used to be a product called Perfect Water which was obviously PRRFECT. That product was peddled as the Miracle cure for all. If you really look at products that are peddled at a frenzy pace, they are owned or some big pins have a huge stake in those companies. For e.g.: XS was owned by another company and was co owned by Duncan family. Similar case with Perfect water. It was also owned by one of the diamond family. Just like you would do your research when buying a stock, it is imperative to research about the motives of the big pins when they are pushing a product

  8. Those who are calling you loser actually are loser themselves, don't know what are they doing here, go listen to a CD or read a book or attend those "rare" "life-changing" meetings and if you are left with some time, do something productive.
    The one saying you a chicken might be a rat himself.

    I can't understand why these people even read your blog, it's not what system teach :-)

    1. Agreed with ur views.., u know y they r telling him loser because they teaches to their agent to not tell anyone the bad features of their explanation. I reaseached from last 8 years for this company which makes only fool to people of India form making rich.

  9. Great Job.I had a similar experience and was about to be a part of this so called great opportunity but it was a great escape after reading a blog like your 4 years ago.
    Keep up your good work. People need more insight and education about amway.I have seen people have problmes with their health and also with their family under stressful conditions what this business opportunity demands.

  10. Now that's a yardstick of success in 'Business', with that benchmark letz see....
    Never Get Married, most marriages end up Divorced.
    Never Follow any Religion as lots of the so called followers will change their religious affiliations sometime, somewhere, somehow.
    Never send your kids to school many kids will fail.
    Never stand for elections @ the PTA or your local club or your state most candidates will NOT Win!.
    Never apply for a Job as most candidates will be rejected.
    Never aspire to be a part of a sports team at any respectable level, as most aspirants will be dumped and shown the door.
    Never do anything in life as most who endeavour will most often be faced with Ridicule and failure.....Just Curl Up & Die maintain 'Status Quo' cause that's the smartest thing to do! Don't do anything, because the guyz who don't do anything are the guyz who create History, are great inventors, great leaders, great statesmen......Just Don't Do Nothing.....Give UP n DIE!!!!!!! ha! Ha! Ha! What a GREAT PHILOSOPHY FOR LIFE(DEATH!) Go for it brother!!! You're the head of the losers creed! I Salute You! ......."Woe to You O' Earth & The Sea for the Devil sends the Beast with Wrath, Because He Knows the Time is short.......Let him who has understanding recognize the number of the beast.....The Number is Six Hundred & Sixty Six......666 !!!n 666!!! 666!!!!!
    Ladies and Gentlemen Please Welcome Brand New 'LOSER' up on stage ....." GOD BLESS YOU ....What a Great example for your kids dude....poor kids I pity their existence!!!

    1. Can you explain to me in simpler words as to what you are trying to say???

      I am not one of those people, who never did a thing with Amway and then make fun of it.

      I did whatever you are doing now to make the business happen, and still did not make profit (even after 6 years)

    2. Wow, this guy's really lost it, looks like he was probably drunk when he posted anyway. It's funny how he tries to imply that you have decided to do nothing with your life simply because you call out a few fake demos. You even acknowledged that the products ARE good and also the fact that a person may decide not to continue an Amway business does not mean that the person has decided to nothing with their life. It amuses me how the education systems try to brainwash people to think that if a person doesn't choose Amway that they are therefore choosing to do nothing with their lives and live in poverty.

    3. In third world and second world countries the pharmacies laugh at the prices. The average IBO has to do at least TT$3500-$4000 in sales to get 150 pv. Most work for $4000-$8000 so even if a sacrifice is made into purchasing extra (to make pv) the time the Optimum Health Nutrilite takes to sell as well as the Artistry line 2-3mts may pass before being able to possibly make PV again.Orders only account for so much monthly so the average IBO suffers.Can Amway cater a bit more for the smaller man .

  11. Funny how the Ambots call you negative names like loser but never address any of the questions or issues related to Amway.
    This is a standard diversion/manipulation tactic-if you can't dispute the facts, attack the messenger...

    Therefore, who are the real losers?? Ambots!! They look like total, complete idiots, I'm LMAO at them continually.

  12. world never listen to losers and like u. I really pity u.

  13. Even i joined the business n now realising that if i have to reach silver or daimond, i have to fool people.. as much people i fooled n make them join, as i grow in this business.. but now i have fool coz i want to grow so i keep on appreciating the products..

    1. Find the good things about some products you like and promote that, so you do not have to lie.
      The funniest thing is, sometimes the products I did not like, the clients loved them.. So it depends from person to person. If you give the person what he really needs (first you have to be a real friend of his/her to find out that) you will be rewarded, if else know what happens)) If you serve people, you will be rewarded sooner or later. So just keep going in an attitude of simply giving... not expecting back. One day you can promote the product to solve a problem they have. Do not compare yourself to people who to do it fast. You are giving a chance to people to solve their problems,change their lives, so do it with style and quality. What you give comes back to you.

  14. dont play with others life coz of your business....

  15. dont play with other people life coz of your business......

  16. actually u just need to learn about d products & business if u himself use d products wisely business will run automatically so far the demos are concern they are just symbolic attempt to create d bridge of interaction between u n ur prospects through demos u can convey d effectiveness of products in short time Dear. so dont get upset. It in not d business of making simply members or any chain system it is product volume based business.

  17. wonderful blog. keep up the good work. you have opened our eyes. interetsing to see how much you whine. and yes, dont talk to someone who is succeeding in the biz, cos, you will look bad in front of him. let's sit and whine and will have more ppl like you pity you.

  18. Undoubtedly, Amway products are good. Those who think they have to fool others are only fooling themselves. You need to believe and learn instead of judging and justifying why you can't do it.

    If you can't be successful in Amway, you can't be successful in anything you do....

  19. its funny how people cant do a simple business like amway, its not really that hard. products are excellent, the people are great and best of all you get paid to use the products, quit complicating it. im sure this guy was one of many who said they didnt have "time" and yet he was able to go through all of that to prove a point. Its amazing how rich/successful people never put the business down, its always broke bums..

  20. I read many people are really happy to see Ex Eagle's blog. But what they forget was did they verify the other side of this opportunity. They are all believing a man who quit before succeeding. We all have used products from other companies for long but they never offered us any opportunity. They never taught us anything. I only pray for all good friends . Explore this opportunity.

  21. Shrimant Dange ADA no: 3341314March 21, 2012 at 5:09 AM

    From Shrimant Dange : ADA no : 3341314.
    This business is for them who really searching for a good opportunity. There are lot of opportunities in the world other than AMWAY also. Its your choice which one you feel better for as perspective long term. Anyone can start the business on part time, learn the things yourself. If you dont like any product then its ok you will get the better option in the market as well. If you like any product from Amway use it and share it. Its on you that if you like it then share it...if you dont like it then dont share it. Afterall this is a business and everyone want to earn money from this business. Anyone who want to do this business need to learn earn the money by sharing the products which you already used and you feel they are good. Sometimes you also observed that some products are good for you and for some others they creating some side effects. After all these are the products have good quality however, it might be possible that its not suite for everyone.

    So try to buld your business by sharing only the truthful things which you observed and followed by yourself. Lets leave the opinion of other persons to them. If they like they will join with you and if they dont like they dont join with you. Simple! Do make the team of person as like you.

    As per my oinion all the products are good and the BWW system is also good.

  22. Why shouldn't one share their actual, honest opinion about the products and system. If you want only positive opinion, you get it from the system, your upline. Why come and read my blog and tell me what I should be writing about.

  23. Good point exeagle...They should write a blog about how good the business is so that people gets started right after reading the testimonial and can give their credit cards out and get started finish their 300 PV...and find 6 people who do the same...Instead they take time to read about other people's experiences and advise them what their experience should be...Amazing...They have to hit themselves hard before they start realizing what the system is all about..Self centered egomaniacs putting everybody down to make themselves look good. Alienating friends and family so that you can few bucks...and chasing the dream..Priceless..Thanks for giving the IBO# Adarsh...I am signing right under you so that you can go Eagle..:)

    1. @AnonymousMar 29, 2012 07:57 AM
      The hilarity in your last comment made my day, loud LOLs!

  24. Dear Ex Eagle, I do sympathize with you. I can understand after spending 6 yrs in business, if one is not making money, something is terribly wrong with either the business or the person doing the business. If business is bad why is it growing?

    Plse do introspection yourself. Find out how many plans you have shown to people. Only 10% people whom you have shown plan would join.

    There is nothing perfect in this world. Your life has been going on before Amway and will go on after Amway. But it is better not to blame anyone.Instead focuss on something which is good for you.


  25. ExEagle, a quick look at the first five comments are full of IBOs proving who they are and the effects of what AMOs turn people to become, I contend, a bunch of extremely negative, intellectually inept and castrated, blithering idiots. They defy their system, their uplines and the PMA books that they read, if they ever do. As if more evidence is needed the rest of the remarks are interspersed with more negative, disparaging, vitriolic commentary, supposed responses to legitimate questions on pertinent issues. In fact from reading the foregoing comments by IBOs, one cannot help to think they are at the risk of contracting some of the common IBO infestations, stinking thinking and negative attitude. That is, if one can sustain to intellectually wade through all the infantile thought level IBO comments. Why are IBO's so negative and full of hatred towards so called "those people out there" instead of carrying on a healthy, lively debate on issues raised?

  26. All you Honest IBOs: Here is a reality check of your honesty

    1) Do you say you are prospecting for Amway when you are contacting or use vague terms like building a community online, similar to social networking, like amazon?

    2) Have you reported 50 PV client volume without doing retail?

    3) What is your answer when somebody asks you how long are you in the business?

    4) What is your answer when somebody asks you for the income you made the last month?

    5) How long have you been claiming losses when you file for taxes?

    6) Have you ever used the line “This is the only function this year.”

    7) Have you ever used the line “We are running out of function tickets”?

    Before you know it, you will be full of lies and believe that the system says is the absolute truth.You are allTUI- talking under the influence of the system. Be away from the system for a month and then come back here and then comment and really state what you are truly feeling and your true opinions.

    1. 1) Depends on the prospect. Sometimes I gladly state AMWAY, other times I state the line that most appeals to the prospect, such as energy drinks.
      2)Yes, then I was informed not to. what can I say, we all have a BC.
      3)Usually the truth. Unless it is someone I have no trust with. Just as I would in my previous corporate job. Why is that a strangers business?
      4)Again, why is my income anyones busines? Do you go up to the management in your job (not that im management, just a human with privacy as well) and ask them how much they make? RUDE!
      5)Probably about as long as most start up businesses. We all know how bad a traditional business gets it (we own one). Remember: FACT: most business fail in the first 2-5 years, why is this business expected to be an exception? Especially with how much less most people put into it. Just sayin.
      6)NOPE, Never!
      7)NOPE, Never!
      Oh and I just walked away for several months to re-evaluate. Im back and proud of it. Best decision (and a tough one) I made.

    2. 1. i told them i will demo amway products and offer them life changing oppurtunity. they could choose to sign up or not, or they will sign up just to be a consumer and avail 30% discount, or they will sign up and do they business. the choice is theirs

      2. yes
      3. 3 months and i'm an lc
      4. the average lc income since i just started up
      5. amway paid our taxes directly
      6. i told them that there lot of functions in 1 year but if you want to learn the system and be inspired attend the coming function
      7. avail the early bird promo to avail discounts. early bird catches alot of worms.

      well, i told the truth to my downlines. i'm not a salesman, and i hate lying to them. no matter what i will tell to a negative person nothing will change his mind. to a positive thinker then nothing is impossible. remember a winner is not someone who is fast or smart or strong or having a high endurance or talented. but, a winner is someone who is willing to learn and never quit.

  27. Good one..Loved your questions

  28. I was not going to comment on this post, I don’t really like going back and forth with people on the internet. I find people will say anything on the net but in person would never consider calling someone a loser to their face! I am sorry for the rudeness of others. So that being said, I just started with Amway. I had seen no demos. I am an American stationed in Germany and my German friend was selling the product. I was very impressed with the vitamin she gave me and how I felt the day she gave it to me. We were hanging out that weekend and I felt like I had just gave blood. She was not trying to sell it, but I felt great later and the next day asked for another. Another day I got mustard on my shirt and she said no worries I can get that out, came up to me with a cleaner and cleaned my shirt right there! I was amazed and asked what that was. She started telling me about Amway’s products and I was hooked. I also went to a convention in Germany not long after. Let me say I was very happy there and excited but not brain washed by any means. I was aware that it is the point of the meeting. What I asked myself was this, do I like the product? Do I feel I could do this? Amway cannot be lets go all get rich, if you think weather told so or not that it is fast simple money you at not all there. It is work like every other job in the world! If you really look into the good and the bad of Amway you will see many people do great many people do bad. It really depends on the person. Please consider when talking about the demos that many company’s use the same idea. Consider that Tide Laundry Soap, they have done the same commercial for years, you know the one they take the white pants with grass stains and put it into a bowl of water to prove it cleans better than the other guys. Well I have used Tide it was no miracle by any means, however you hear no one screaming Tide is a fraud! You don’t hear it because Tide does not use people to help sell they keep all the profit from the sales they have??? You yourself said the product are great! Demos are just to get people to try it, it is sales. I know if I want to get rich I will need to expand like any business and have people under me. If I just want extra income then I sell the products. Yes good sales people will avoid saying this and skirt around it. However you do have your own mind and a book that shows you your earning potential. If you read you see this. I wish you the best of luck but please consider all areas :)

  29. I was not going to comment on this post, I don’t really like going back and forth with people on the internet. I find people will say anything on the net but in person would never consider calling someone a loser to their face! I am sorry for the rudeness of others. So that being said, I just started with Amway. I had seen no demos. I am an American stationed in Germany and my German friend was selling the product. I was very impressed with the vitamin she gave me and how I felt the day she gave it to me. We were hanging out that weekend and I felt like I had just gave blood. She was not trying to sell it, but I felt great later and the next day asked for another. Another day I got mustard on my shirt and she said no worries I can get that out, came up to me with a cleaner and cleaned my shirt right there! I was amazed and asked what that was. She started telling me about Amway’s products and I was hooked. I also went to a convention in Germany not long after. Let me say I was very happy there and excited but not brain washed by any means. I was aware that it is the point of the meeting. What I asked myself was this, do I like the product? Do I feel I could do this? Amway cannot be lets go all get rich, if you think weather told so or not that it is fast simple money you at not all there. It is work like every other job in the world! If you really look into the good and the bad of Amway you will see many people do great many people do bad. It really depends on the person. Please consider when talking about the demos that many company’s use the same idea. Consider that Tide Laundry Soap, they have done the same commercial for years, you know the one they take the white pants with grass stains and put it into a bowl of water to prove it cleans better than the other guys. Well I have used Tide it was no miracle by any means, however you hear no one screaming Tide is a fraud! You don’t hear it because Tide does not use people to help sell they keep all the profit from the sales they have??? You yourself said the product are great! Demos are just to get people to try it, it is sales. I know if I want to get rich I will need to expand like any business and have people under me. If I just want extra income then I sell the products. Yes good sales people will avoid saying this and skirt around it. However you do have your own mind and a book that shows you your earning potential. If you read you see this. I wish you the best of luck but please consider all areas :)

  30. It is not important how people demonstrate
    But the most important thing is
    " How the product work".
    If you are satisfied with the quality and effect of product
    then the purpose of demonstrations has been achieved.
    The product demonstrations are just a door opener.

    As far as the fake demonstrations are concerned,
    you must raise fingers to those companies too which
    are selling their products by the means of such fake
    demonstrations on tv(ads).

    But also I want to say that your effort is good.

  31. No more free shipping for customers shopping at Here is a crappy message I found:

    Pass On Free Shipping to Your Customers
    You can still offer your customers free shipping. Try consolidating multiple customer orders into one order of $750 or more. Or, place your own order of $750 or more and service customers from your on-hand inventory.

    Aint it fun: Shop for only $750 and get free shipping. Wasnt this deal there a few years back and this was scraped. IT is really PUN making money in Amway

  32. hi friends
    it was great reading all the comments i am also in this business in more than 2 yrs my experience is that products are great but every person is different so their experience is different. if u talk about demos it is the only mean to sell the product as done by x brands on TV, but products do work good. if u talk about the business and if u have read any book then they recommend that are not only for Amway or by amway's Ibo who are earning good money , they are just motivational books if u apply those principles in Ur life u can achieve anything in Ur life whether that is Amway business or any thing else. if u have done Amway biz for more than 5 yrs and read the books then it has helped u allot in Ur personal life if u had applied what u have learned in the books. that is the best thing in this business u can get and succeed in life if u learn and apply. it is true in any field and job also. Just don't sit and comment on this is bad or not see in yourself that what good u have done to help others and yourself. thanks for reading and read good books that can help u achieve Ur dreams.FOLLOW YOUR DREAM AND GET THE JOB DONE. best of luck

  33. I could say that demos may not be that efficient but it does not mean these products don't work. Think about it dude! If AMWAY products are fooling people, they won't be surviving for many years! Competition nowadays is very stiff but AMWAY still leads.

  34. I'm not convinced by this write-up if I'm honest. I have used the Nutrilite Daily in my demos and have not once found that they have taken more than 5 minutes to dissolve.

    I think it's pretty shocking how many people out there wish to blacken the name of what are in most cases, superior products. Most people would rather buy into the products sold by glossy TV ads than help out a friend and buy from them. Some people go out of their way using such sites as this scrutinizing Amway's product range. I wonder how much time you lot spend looking for negatives at products sold through the shops? I'm pretty sure you spend none of your time what so ever but why would you? Their products must be good because the marketing guys working for these companies (who you have never met) say so! Why don't you try comparing Nutrilite vitamins to the second biggest selling vitamin brand out there, Centrum. There is no comparison - simple!

  35. Well, I'm from Thailand and my English may not be very good, but I will try.

    All these product demos is just the simulation not how it really work. We do this to make it easier for people to understand and get the picture. Anyway, If you don't like the product, just return it. It's 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    I don't know it may be normal for your country about 100% satisfaction guarantee, but in my country, Nope.. This may be the only brand that have Satisfaction guarantee.

    From my experience, no matter how we demo the product, the bottom line is customer like the products. It's a lot better than the products that I've used. That's it..

    Hopefully, it can help people understanding.

    Thank you.

  36. Dear Friend, AMWAY is a Great Organisation running its business in 100+ countries. The products are Quality and liked by several people around the world. Amway has 65 R&D centers around the world with 700 Scientists working 24x7 for achieving best Quality of Products.450 own manufactured products with 1000 patents is a real achievement. NUTRILITE is the best selling brand in Asia and Europe certified by Reader Digest and Euromonitor, which are conducting independent consumer survey around the Globe. Demos may go wrong but , the Life changing experience that people got from using these Amway Products around the world are our real proof. And my friend Truth cannot be attained through intelligent argument it is in the Experience. May GOD bless you with peace and Happiness.

  37. I was anti amway, but my wife joined amway member from last year august 2014. she started to buy amway products which i hated the most, but after i tried, I’m happy with the quality products that i can’t get the quality from outside, then only i want to know more about their marketing plan and started to run the business on september 2014, on the 4th month, i get my 1st 21% which is around 8k, and get around 6k ~ 8k continuously. until may 2015, i get my platinum, which i can get around 14k on september 2015. for me, this is a great opportunity and a good passive income. so what’s wrong with amway? only for those who got a lot of money then invested in franchise like mcdonalds then earn a huge amount only qualify to call them self a successful businessman?
    i used to think like u do. but i’ve quite good in this business since my lovely wife has joined. for those who hate amway, got 2 reason, either they don’t understand amway products and marketing plan or they are just an ordinary man who can’t think like a businessman & investor. Btw, I'm from TQG (Total Quality Group)

  38. Great, I like your opening statement. Products are great... they are not the only best products that is available on Earth. May be..!!
    But... its the only company with best of the products that offers a common man business opportunity, so great that products gets free.

    As far as demos are concerned, Pespi Advertisement claims drink pepsi and a hot girl will dance with you. In reality, does it? Demo in Amway is advertising...

    and BTW why are you trying Demo of one product on another? Its like taking medication of cold when you have stomach ache. Lousy.

    1. Have the products become free for you yet? Feel free to start your own blog and explain about the benefits of the product, better yet share retail success stories

    2. with all the promos offered by amway plus all the return customer who sampled and ordered the product again and again who says that Amway products are expensive. actually they are free for me now because no matter how i like it passive income keeps pouring like rain

  39. Ex Eagle, I appreciate what you are doing. I was a part of this scheme too, to my shame. Although, I did not fall into the "tools" trap. The vast majority was cheer-leading, no great wisdom was ever bestowed on me. These ambots are "winners".... wait no,no, they're losers.These "winners' are terribly arrogant, resort to name calling when challenged, very negative despite the positive talk/vibes, they are supposed to have, they deify their upline and tools and can't admit they are in a cult. For them to be so condescending about a job, someone had to make those "great" products. If everyone was an IBO nothing would ever get done.
    Yea Awesome winners.

  40. If a Kids multi tart retails at US$19.30 which is TT$121.59 if multiplied by the average exchange rate of 6.30.Now in Trinidad on every item we have to pay 8.66 this pushes to retail at $167.14 TT the IBO price at US$12.55 works up to 108.63.Now every purchase at 8.66 is on average works up to 2-3 times more the value of similar products.

  41. the blogger is not a loser. it just happens that the Amway business is not for him. not all of us will become presidents or lawyers. same thing with becoming a handy man or a garbage man. we are all a part of a system. someone has got to do the job. but based on his experience its not the fault of Amway why he failed. its the fault of his greedy uplines. just remember the seven deadly sins and his a victim of his uplines. anyway, lets not judge a man how he walks unless we have put our feet on his shoes. thanks and peace to all men

  42. People who don't have a backbone talk bad about AMWAY business.
    It takes Guts to Succeed. Looser's find fault in everything.
    Even in corporate your boss didn't tell you that You will get 2% raise once in two years, you won't get promotion when expected, You will have no time for your family etc. etc.
    But You never complain about that.
    Loosers can just sit infront of the Ediot Box and Eat Pop-corn!! It takes Guts to go out and share this opportunity!!
    AMWAY has over 100+ Patents!!

    1. Wow Awesome Tape talk!!! Amway has over 100+ patents. Is your first name Albert?? Then why are you talking like Einstein? Among the 100+ patents, have you personally patented anything? Has any of the IBOs patented anything? About 2% raise, speak for your yourself. I had the guts to talk to my boss, give it straight about the things I didnt like and got a significant raise as well. Well try that with your upline, tell them that you wont lie, cheat, will not do extra PV for qualifications, will not stock up cds to qualify as fake eagle, will not fly to east coast functions (if u are in west coast). You will be called a whiner and loser and many indirect/direct messages will be aimed at you in counseling sessions/night owls. Why am I am wasting my time, as long as there are gullible people like you who are willing to drown their money and time, there will be uplines who will be taking advantage of you. Good luck becoming a winner in Amway business.

  43. Success is a minority. 97 will not make it. It takes guts. 3% are successful.. they are enjoying lives.

  44. Are amway products better than forever living products?

  45. First of all all people abusing and using harsh language for those who say that 'Amway products are fake' should stop this practice right now. Indeed Amway is fake, I have several evidences against it.
    1) The Ambots say that Amway's product are manufactured from organic farms(owned by Amway) within 4-5 hours of plucking to completely lock nutrition like Phyto factors Vitamins is completely false. The reason being that the Amway product's I bought are contract manufactured by 'Sarvotham Care' in Baddi (Himachal Pradesh). Can you belive this is true as Amway has Organic farms only in USA, Mexico and Brazil? How can materials from there come to Baddi ithin deadline of 4-5 hours.
    2) All the Calcium supliments of Amway contain Calcium Carbonate which is not obtained Organically from Farms,Milk etc,hence they can't criticize other calcium supliments benig made of Limestone. Also all calcium supliments of Amway are clearly mentioned to be veg. but they contain Vitamin D3 as mentioned in ingredients which is not found in any veg. product.
    The vitamin D3 must be then from either Eggs/Fish or must have been synthetically manufatured from Lanolin(Wool Grease)
    3) The Ambots try to forcefully sell Omega-3 which have been made out of fish even to vegetarians,claiming it to be a miracle food which is wrong as Do you Know? that 'Flax seed' has more Omega-3 than all the varities of fish

  46. Nice article. Amway sellers should care about the chemistry behind such reactions. They promote the products as if they would do some magic.

  47. One question: why betadine is used in the demos? is not clear to me..

  48. Mr Prashat ,

    You are correct the blogger is a loser ,
    But calling it looser will not be sufficient.

    If you are the winner then kindly upload the video which proof that his claim is wrong and amway is correct way .

    I think this is the only way to deal with loser.

